Marketing Mania


1. Team Formation:
 - Teams consist of 4-5 members.
 - Each team must designate a team leader for communication and coordination.
2. Campaign Creation:
 - Teams will create a comprehensive marketing campaign within a specified time.
 - Campaigns should include strategies for social media, traditional media, and innovative approaches.
3. Budget Allocation:
 - Teams will be given a fictional budget of a specified amount.
 - Teams must provide a detailed budget breakdown for their marketing initiatives.
4. Presentation Guidelines:
 - Each team will have X minutes to present its campaign.
 - Presentations should cover campaign objectives, target audience, channels, and expected outcomes.
5. Judging Criteria:
 - Creativity and Innovation
- Strategic Planning
 - Budget Management
 - Presentation Skills
6. Q&A Session:
 - Judges may ask questions following each presentation.
 - Teams should be prepared to defend and explain their choices.
7. Fair Play:
 - Plagiarism and unauthorised use of external resources are strictly prohibited.
 - Teams caught violating fair play rules will be disqualified.
8. Timeline:
 - The event starts at a specified time.
 - The campaign creation phase ends at a specified time.
 - Presentations begin at a specified time.
9. Scoring and Prizes:
 - Scores will be tallied based on the judging criteria.
 - Prizes will be awarded to the winning teams based on overall performance.
10. Feedback Session:
 - Judges will provide constructive feedback to each team after the event.
11. Code of Conduct:
 - Respectful and professional behaviour is expected from all participants.
 - Any form of disruptive behaviour may result in disqualification.
12. Event Organisers:
 - For inquiries or issues, contact the organiser's contact.
Good luck and enjoy the Marketing Mania event!