Model United Nations

Welcome to Encore MUN, where diplomacy meets discourse!
Get ready to embark on a journey of global dialogue, negotiation, and resolution. The Encore MUN is not just a conference; it's an opportunity to step into the shoes of world leaders, tackle pressing global issues, and collaborate for a better future. Read on to understand the rules and guidelines that will shape this immersive experience.


1. Committee Dynamics:
Delegates will be assigned to specific committees, each addressing unique global challenges
Committee topics and background guides will be provided in advance
2. Country Representation:
Delegates must represent the assigned country's perspectives during debates
In-depth research on the country's stance is essential for effective representation
3. Opening Ceremony:
The event will commence with an opening ceremony providing an overview of rules, guidelines, and expectations
Keynote speakers may share insights on the importance of global diplomacy
4. Committee Sessions:
Moderated and unmoderated sessions will provide opportunities for diplomatic discourse, collaboration, and resolution drafting
Delegates are expected to actively participate in committee discussions
5. Position Papers:
Delegates are encouraged to submit position papers outlining their country's stance on agenda topics
Position papers contribute to constructive debate and resolution drafting
6. Speaker's List:
Delegates must sign up for the speaker's list to address the committee during moderated sessions
Speakers should adhere to the allocated time limits
7. Points and Motions:
Delegates may raise points of order, points of personal privilege, and submit motions during appropriate times
Points and motions will be addressed by the chair
8. Resolution Process:
Delegates collaborate to draft resolutions addressing global challenges
Resolutions will undergo debate, amendment, and voting procedures
9. Code of Conduct:
Professional and respectful conduct is mandatory
Offensive language or disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated
10. Role of Chairs:
Chairs will moderate sessions, guide debates, and enforce rules
Chairs' decisions are final and binding
11. Feedback Session:
A post-event feedback session will be conducted to gather insights for continuous improvement
12. Code of Ethics:
Uphold the highest standards of academic integrity; plagiarism and cheating are strictly prohibited
Foster an environment of mutual respect and open dialogue
13. Registration Procedures:
Early registration ensures your place in the diplomatic arena
Late registrations might limit your preferred country selection
14. Rulebook Adaptation:
Rules are subject to adaptation for the smooth flow of the conference
Any changes will be communicated by the organisers
15. Enjoy the Encore MUN:
Immerse yourself in diplomatic dialogue, embrace diverse perspectives, and contribute to meaningful global discourse

May the Encore MUN be a platform where ideas flourish, alliances form, and solutions emerge for a better world