

Welcome to the Street Play Competition at Encore, an exciting platform for participants to showcase their creativity, talent, and social awareness through the powerful medium of street plays. This rulebook provides guidelines and regulations for the smooth conduct of the competition.


1. Team Composition:
a. Each team must consist of a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 30 members.
b. All team members must be from the same college and must be bona fide students.
2. Duration:
a. The street play performance should have a minimum duration of 15 minutes and a maximum duration of 30 minutes, including setup and clearance.
b. Teams exceeding the time limit will face penalties.
3. Language:
a. Performances can be in English, Hindi, or any regional language.
b. Use of offensive language or content is strictly prohibited.
4. Theme:
a. The street play must convey a socially relevant message.
b. Teams are encouraged to choose themes that promote awareness, inclusivity, and positive change. The theme is open-ended and can cover a wide range of social issues.
5. Script and Performance:
a. Teams can submit their scripts on the day of the competition.
b. Performances should be in a public space on the campus.
c. The use of props, costumes, and minimal technical aids is allowed.
6. Judging Criteria:
a. Performances will be judged based on creativity, relevance to the theme, acting skills, and audience engagement.
b. Judges' decisions are final and binding.
7. Props and Costumes:
a. Teams must bring their props and costumes.
b. The use of fire, smoke, or any hazardous materials is strictly prohibited.
8. Sound and Music:
- Teams are responsible for their sound arrangements.
9. Timing and Schedule:
a. Teams must adhere to the specified time slots and the overall event schedule.
b. Latecomers may face disqualification.
10. Sportsmanship:
a. Respect for fellow participants, judges, and the audience is paramount.
b. Any form of disruptive behaviour may lead to disqualification.
11. Registration:
a. Teams must register online by the specified deadline.
b. Late registrations will not be entertained.
12. Prizes:
a. Prizes will be awarded to the top three teams.
b. Certificates of participation will be provided to all teams.
13. Event Coordinators:
a. Teams can contact the designated event coordinators for any clarifications or assistance.
14. Disclaimer:
Participants are responsible for their own safety during the performance. The organising committee and the institute are not liable for any injuries or accidents.
15. Rule Violation:
Teams found violating the rules will face penalties, including point deductions or disqualification, as deemed appropriate by the judges and the organising committee.
By participating in the Encore Street Play Competition, teams agree to abide by these rules and regulations. The organising committee reserves the right to amend or modify the rules as necessary for the smooth conduct of the event.