
(Solo Singing)

Singing has the incredible power to evoke and express a wide range of human emotions. Unleash the power of your voice and let it soar as you take the IET stage to sing from your heart and watch as your melodies touch the souls of all who listen. Encore 24 endeavours to find the best of vocal music.


1. Participants can perform any number of songs (in Hindi, English, or both) within 5 minutes.
2. Participants can perform with one instrument accompaniment or with a backing track; judging will be done based on vocal performance. Performers can be disqualified on the spot for misconduct, obscenity, or foul language.

Judging criteria include:

a. Quality of voice
b. Sense of scale and pitch
c. Quality of rendition
d. Pronunciation of lyrics
e. Mood and expression
f. Overall impact